
Send us a message

Please get in touch with us by any of the following methods. We are always pleased to hear from you.
Newburgh Primary School
Kipling Avenue
CV34 6LD
Telephone Number
01926 775453
Phone queries will be answered by members of the Office Staff:
Mrs K Smith - Business Manager
Mrs M Thomas - Office Manager
Mrs A Price - Senior Administrator
Mrs L Bradbury - Administrator 
Mrs A Elswood - Clerical Assistant 
Mrs K Turner - Headteacher
Mrs A Slater - SENDCo
Mr A Geach - Chair of Governors (
To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope as 'Confidential'.
Please contact the school office if you would like a paper copy (free of charge) of any information on the website.
Newburgh Primary School is all on one level and the doors open to accommodate a wheelchair. There are two disabled bays in the car park. 
Please use the form below if you would like to send us a direct message:

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Newburgh Primary School,
Kipling Avenue,
Warwick, Warwickshire,
CV34 6LD