Year 4 Multiplication Check

Multiplication check in Year 4

Children are expected to be able to recall all facts up to 12 x 12 in less than 6 seconds per fact by the end of Year 4. Between Monday 2 June and Friday 13 June, your child will be taking their Multiplication Tables Check. The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Below is the DFE guidance on the multiplication check.

Every Wednesday, Year 4 undertake a Times Table Universe challenge. They are given 3 minutes to complete a sheet, working their way through the times tables in the order shown below: 

 X10, X2, X5, X3, X4, X8, X11, X6, X9, X12, X7

Children should be using the Times Table Rockstars website weekly to aid their practise but it is likely that most children will also need to make use of other resources if they are to become proficient with their recall. 

Even when your child is proficient in timetables recall, it is good to keep practising throughout KS2 as this is so important for mathematics. 


Ideas for practising times tables at home:

Create flash cards (on scrap paper is fine – they don’t need to be fancy!) with the calculation on one side and the answer on the reverse. With flash cards you could:

  •        Use a timer and see how quickly you can complete your flash card pile. Separate the calculations that you find the most challenging and practise this pile more.
  •        Put the flash cards around the house (eg. next to where you brush your teeth, on a shoe rack, on the fridge). Every time you pass a flash card, recite the fact out loud.
  •        Write down six multiples from the times table that you are practising. Put your flash cards in a pile and turn them over. See how many cards you have to turn over before you have crossed off all of your multiples!
These are some great websites that your child can use to practice their timetables. At Newburgh Primary school all our children have  a login to TTRockstars.