Optional Key stage 1 National Curriculum Tests
At Newburgh Primary we have chosen for our children to experience the Key stage 1 optional National Curriculum tests. We feel that these tests provide valuable information to help identify areas of learning within a subject that your child may need extra support or where your child is excelling.
These tests are used alongside other everyday classroom assessment methods to measure your child's progress.
We choose to group our children into smaller groups so that they feel well-supported through the process. In order to facilitate this grouping we spread the tests over a two week period in May, the week beginning 6th May and 19th May.
How do the optional tests work?
English reading paper 1 : this has a combined booklet where the piece of text has questions directly below to support the children finding the answers.
English reading paper 2: This has a separate reading booklet and then an answer booklet.
Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: Spelling
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions
How can you help at home?
First and foremost, support and reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about and they should always just try their best.
Help your child with reading, listen to them read and focus on bringing out a ‘love of reading’. Also reading stories to your child allows them to develop language, listening skills and comprehension. Encourage making predictions of what might happen next.
Help your child with writing, support with weekly spellings. Write together to make shopping lists and letter writing.
Help your child with maths, play times table games. Encourage them to help with cooking, weighing and measuring ingredients. Work out what time it is together. Provide opportunities for your child to pay for things in a shop, to work out how much things cost and how much change will be needed.