Phonics Check 2025

Monday 9 June to Friday 13 June 2025
Schools administer the phonics screening check in school with a familiar teacher in a quiet room.
The purpose of the check is to ensure that all children have learned to phonic decode to an age appropriate standard.
Our curriculum pages on phonics on our school website show how we are teaching phonics using the RWI approach and how you can support your child.
The video on this page  shares that the phonic screening check is a mix or 40 real words and alien words that children must blend accurately . 
In preparation for the test, your teacher will give you a set of sounds and words to practice with your child. Sound out each of the words using their phonic knowledge. The more they practice the more fluent they will become.
If you are feeling concerned about the phonic test, then please ask our teaching staff.
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